warm up
warm up

Fitness warm-up exercise for good starting

You never do a warm-up? It’s time to change your habits! Even if you’re tempted to jump straight into your training, warming up can improve your performance and prevent injuries. Your training sessions will be even more successful.

Best warm-up exercises for beginners and other levels

When it comes to establishing a warm-up routine, you’ve probably come across the terms “dynamic” and “static” stretching.

But what is the difference between the two? Dynamic stretches involve movements that gently stretch the muscles and move the joints to their full range. This is ideal for warming up. Static stretching involves stretching and holding a position, and is best done after a workout.

unrecognizable female athlete stretching muscles of arms and back

Here is a list of warm-up exercises that will help boost your performance:

  1. Lateral bending
    Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    Raise your right hand above your head, and lean to the left side, keeping your lower body still and using your abs to control the movement.
    Alternate right side/left side until you’ve done 15 to 20 reps on each side.
    Muscles worked: external and internal obliques
  2. Leg Swing
    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and close to a chair or wall to keep yourself stable.
    Keeping one hand on the chair/wall, swing the opposite leg forward and back.
    Try to keep your upper body straight, only moving your leg from the hip.
    Perform at least 20 repetitions on each side.
    Muscles worked: hip flexors, quadriceps and hamstrings
  3. Arm crossing
    Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    Raise your arms out to the sides, so they’re in line with your shoulders and parallel to the floor.
    Swing your arms around the middle of your chest and let them intertwine, as if patting yourself on the back.
    Swing them back again, opening your chest as your arms straighten behind you again.
    Repeat the same thing, this time changing the upper arm when you cross them.
    Repeat this movement for 20 to 30 seconds.
    Muscles worked: chest, back and shoulders
  4. Lunge with hamstring stretch
    Start in a standing position, with your feet together.
    Step forward with one foot and bend both knees 90 degrees, keeping the knees behind the toes.
    Straighten the front leg, tilting the weight of the body back slightly, to stretch the front hamstring.
    Return to a standing position, then do the same with the other leg.
    Perform 10 to 12 reps on each side, switching legs each time.
    Muscles worked: glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps
  5. Circles with the arms
    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms along your body.
    Keeping your arms straight, move them in large circles, starting at your hips and going up above your head, then back down.
    After 15 to 20 repetitions, switch directions.
    Muscles worked: shoulders, arms, chest and back
  6. Walking on tiptoes
    Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    Lift both heels off the floor, balancing on tiptoe.
    Walk slowly forward, standing on your tiptoes.
    Muscles worked: calves and ankles

7.Lunge and twist
Stand upright with your feet together.
Bring the left leg forward and bend both knees 90 degrees, keeping the knees behind the toes.
Rotate your upper body to the left.
Return to a standing position and do the same on the other side (straight leg, twist to the right).
Muscles worked: obliques, abdominals and hip flexors

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Lean your chest forward, rocking at the hips and put your hands on the floor.
Bring your hands forward until you’re in a high plank position, with your hands below your shoulders and your body forming a single line between your head, hips, and heels.
Step your feet forward toward your hands until they’re just below your hips.
Repeat the movement.