elastic exercice
exercice elastic

Good exercise with fitness elastic

With this accessory, you gently tone all areas of the body. Convenient.

This inexpensive fitness equipment is easy to use and carry. It allows you to perform the movements gently, working with more or less intensity depending on the desired tension, which you can increase as you build muscle. This is proportional to the length, width and thickness of the elastic. At the beginning, a model with a resistance of 7 to 10 kilos is enough. Ask at a sports store.

exercise with fitness elastic

1. Wasp waist

Stand upright, legs shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Slip the elastic under the feet and catch each end in the hands. With your back straight, bend your knees. Inhale and lean to the right supporting the resistance of the elastic on the left. This exercise tones the obliques and slims the waist.
Tempo: 20 repetitions, to be repeated on the left side.

2. Breast Lift

Sit on a mat, back straight, legs slightly bent, rubber band stretched under the feet with one end in each hand. Forearms bent at 90 degrees, parallel to the ground, inhale bringing your hands against the chest to build up the small and large pecs, and lift the breasts.
Tempo: 20 reps. Increase the pace as you pull, but release slowly.

3. Tapered arms

Standing, the rubber band slipped under the right foot, the two ends in the right hand. With your back straight, bend your legs slightly. With your palm up, inhale and pull the elastic, trying to raise your wrist to your right shoulder. Lower it slowly, maintaining tension. Result over the sessions: biceps like Popeye!
Tempo: 20 repetitions, to be repeated on the left side.

4. Beefy back

Sit, back straight, legs slightly bent on the mat, the rubber band slipped under the feet with one end in each hand. Inhale as you pull your hands, elbows, and shoulders back while expanding your chest. Hold the movement in apnea for a few seconds before releasing. The trapezius but also your latissimus dorsi heat up? It’s normal !
Tempo: 2 to 3 sets of 10.

5. Buttocks of steel

Lie on your back, legs hip-width apart, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place the elastic around your knees and keep it taut. Inhale while raising the pelvis with the glutes contracted, the forearms and the hands well plated on the ground while keeping the tension in the rubber band, then exhale while descending.
Tempo: 2 to 3 sets of 10.