Good exercise with fitness elastic 2

Using elastic bands when practicing bodybuilding exercises allows, unlike exos performed only with the weight of the body, to go further in the postures. In addition, the resistance of the rubber bands helps to work the upper and lower body in a more targeted way.
If you’re curious to discover the fascinating world of bodybuilding with a rubber band, you’ve come to the right place.
In this article, discover 5 essential exercises to do with a rubber band. But first, a little focus on the benefits and disadvantages of using resistance bands. Let’s go

5 good reasons to use elastic bands

Rubber bands allow resistance exercises to be carried out gradually, unlike those carried out with loads (dumbbells, weights, weightlifting machines). So it’s a good way to exercise your body without having to go to a gym.

Gradual evolution of resistance
Unlike exercises with loads that offer static resistance over the movements, the elastic band allows you to apply progressive and variable resistance.
By pulling on your band with more force, you increase its tension, as well as the intensity of the exercise.
The advantage is that you limit the tensions exerted on your body when you work on unfavorable angles. You can therefore modulate your training and minimize the risk of injury.

Performance improvement
Elastic bands increase your body’s degree of resistance to tension and contribute to significant strength and power gains.

How it works ?

It’s simple. Elastic bands promote so-called plyometric training, i.e. the muscles stretch and shorten quickly during exercise. The muscle fibers then become more toned and more flexible.

Easily transportable
With the bands you can work your body at home, but you can also take them everywhere with you.
Put them in your bag during your travels or when you go for a walk, for example. They’re lightweight, so you can build muscle anywhere. Handy, isn’t it?

Suitable for all types of profiles
Lifting a heavy weight can be difficult for a child or someone less strong. This often requires the accompaniment of a pro to avoid accidents.
On the other hand, the use of elastic bands does not require assistance. They can be used at any age.

Help with rehabilitation
Bodybuilding bands are often necessary for relaxation or therapy sessions to gently regain one’s abilities after an injury or trauma, for example.
They contribute to good joint and muscle recovery, especially for your knees or hips.
Now that you know all the benefits, let’s take stock of the limits of elastic bands.
3 disadvantages associated with elastic bands
Resistance bands are highly recommended for health and well-being as we have just seen, but their use still has some slight disadvantages.

Limited muscle growth
Using rubber bands can limit you.
If your goal is strong muscle growth, you will have a hard time achieving it with this material. Indeed, to gain a lot of muscle, it is better to use more technical equipment that you can only find in a gym.

Difficult to distinguish progression
With resistance bands, you can hardly set muscle growth goals like you can with dumbbells for example.
You will therefore have difficulty seeing your evolution, which can frustrate you.

Some models are difficult to use
There are various designs of bands, some with handles, some without. Not all elastic band models offer the same degree of comfort and grip.
Now, let’s go to the exercises to practice with a band.

5 bodybuilding exercises with a rubber band

If you want to exercise at home, we recommend that you do bodyweight exercises combined with resistance bands.

To go further, discover here our complete guide to build muscle with just the weight of your body.

Here are 5 very practical bodybuilding exercises to do with a rubber band:

Biceps curl with rubber band, to strengthen the arms

This is the ideal exercise to work the biceps and forearms area, while protecting the elbows. To do this, you must:

Stand up, pass the rubber band under your feet and hold it firmly in your hands. Your feet should be slightly apart (shoulder width) and your hands extended towards the floor. The elastic must also be in a stretched position.

Bend your elbows and bring your hands up to your shoulders, while exhaling.

Return your hands to the starting position and exhale. You have to keep a stable position during the whole process.

Flexing the legs with a rubber band (in a lying position), to build muscle in the legs
For this exercise:
Attach the elastic band to a solid support.
Then tie it to your ankles. Alternatively, you can simply wrap the elastic around your ankles.
Lie flat on your stomach on a mat.
Bend your legs without lifting your hips or lower back.
Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the movement 15 times.
For even more exos and practical advice to shape your legs, take a look at our article “How to refine your thighs? The ultimate guide”.

Horizontal row with rubber band, an exercise to strengthen the back
The horizontal pull is done to strengthen the back muscles and triceps.
Here is the method:

Sit on your buttocks, legs in front of you. They should be slightly bent. Your tips should point towards the sky.

Pass the elastic behind your feet and grab its 2 ends with your hands.

Start by bringing your elbows slightly towards your chest by bending your knees.

Your back must always remain straight during the exercise. In order to perform the movement well, bring out your pecs and block your shoulders backwards.

Rotation of the bust with elastic, to muscle your torso
For this exo, you must:

Hang the elastic at a medium height.

On the side, grab it between your two hands and stretch your arms forward without locking your elbows.

Move the rubber band to the sides (left and right). Above all, don’t bend over. Keep your neck straight throughout the movement.

Return to the initial position by controlling the reverse movement. Take a deep breath during this step.

Pull-ups with elastic, for toned pecs
Even without dumbbells or bars, you can develop your pecs. The elastic band alone can allow you to obtain an optimal result. Cool isn’t it?
The spreads with rubber bands are exercises that reinforce the vitality of the pecs.
How to do ?

Maintain a standing position.

Fix the elastic on a bar as if you wanted to rotate the bust.

Then, on the side, take the rubber band and stretch it forward with your arm.

You must have your trunk straight and your eyes focused upwards throughout the session.
Ready to go even further?
Daily training program
Let’s talk about serious things. Here, we offer you a complete upper body training program.

But before, don’t forget that to enjoy all the benefits of bodybuilding you must practice in the best conditions. And this includes wearing a comfortable sports outfit adapted to your movements.

Visit our collection of fitness and training products here, we’ve got you covered.

Now, let’s talk about the exercises that we have planned to develop your muscles.

2 exos to develop the pecs in 15 minutes

Exercise 1: standing press

Number of sets: 4

Number of repetitions: between 8 and 12

Rest time between each series: 1 minute maximum

Exercise 2: the spreads

Number of sets: 3

Number of repetitions: 8 to 12

Rest time between each series: 1 minute

Work the back muscles in 10 minutes flat

Exercise 1: pull-ups with a wide grip

Number of sets: 3

Number of repetitions: between 10 and 20

Rest time between each series: 30 seconds

Exercise 2: side extensions

Number of sets: 3

Number of repetitions: between 10 and 16

Rest time between each series: 30 seconds

Exercise biceps and triceps in 12 minutes

Exercise 1: arm curls with hammer grip

Number of sets: 3 per side

Number of repetitions: 16 to 20

Rest time between each series: 30 seconds

Exercise 2: forward triceps extension

Number of sets: 3 per side

Number of repetitions: 12

Rest time between each series: 30 seconds

Congratulations, you have successfully completed the training.

Do you still have a little energy left to work your lower body?

If so, we have a little surprise for you. Our ambassador Pamela Reif has created an exercise routine with elastic bands ideal for strengthening your lower body.