ice weight loss
weight loss

Ice hack for weight loss.How it works?

An interesting question that we are sure will catch the attention of many readers: is it really possible to lose weight using the benefits of ice ?

Today we will try to answer an interesting question that we are sure will attract the attention of many readers: is it really possible to lose weight using the benefits of ice ? Today, medicine is making great strides in this direction and there are treatments that actually use the power of cold and ice to bring benefits to patients who submit to it. Thanks to the support of an article published in, we discover what has been done so far and if, above all, it is possible to really lose weight thanks to ice cream. Good reading !

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There are several studies and medical-scientific research according to which it is possible that the action of cold acts on fats and helps to lose weight. However, there is still a lot to discover and a long way to go in this direction. This does not mean that we should apply cold pockets or put ice on ourselves where we see accumulated fat … on the contrary!

Researchers from the University of Geneva conducted laboratory experiments by exposing certain mice to cold and its effects for a period of more than 10 days. The effect of the cold actually changed the bacteria present in the intestines of the animals – bacteria which were then transferred to other mice not subjected to cold temperatures.

It was indeed observed that the mice in the second part of the experiment lost weight, but only for a few weeks – in fact, the mice began to regain weight when returning to their usual diet. In short, an interesting result that opens up many scenarios and still wide margins of research.

clear close up cold cool

Another method, known and widely used by aesthetic doctors, is the now famous CoolSculpting – or Cryolipolysis. Thanks to a machine that is positioned on certain localized fat accumulations and uses cold, it is possible to literally “eliminate” fat cells. While it is true that dead cells leave the body naturally shortly after treatment, it must be said that this technique is certainly less invasive than practices such as liposuction. CoolSculpting must obviously be agreed with the doctor as to the programming of the number of sessions necessary and the result desired by each patient.